Joan Bin Jassim for Defense Studies Academy

MIE-SPPU Institute of Higher Education is an institution licensed by the Ministry of Education and Higher Education in Qatar and has partnered with Savitribai Phule Pune University to offer world classes education in Qatar.

Country: Qatar


National Defense College

  • Master's degree in defense and security studies.

Joint Command and Staff College

  • Master's degree in military and security studies.

  • Executive master's degree in military and security studies

Deanship of Graduate Studies and Research

  • Master of Arts in Defense Economics.

  • Master of Arts in Intelligence Studies.

  • Master of Arts in Defense Diplomacy

  • Master of Science degree in Cyber Defense.

  • Doctor of Philosophy in "Defense and Security Studies"


The applicant must be affiliated with the Qatari Armed Forces, with the rank of lieutenant or above, or its equivalent civil rank.

Applicants to the Master of Arts in Defense Economics program must have a bachelor's degree from a recognized university.

The applicant must hold an outstanding academic record at undergraduate level (with a minimum GPA of 3.0 or equivalent) in any of the following fields: economics, management, finance or any other related discipline.

The applicant must pass any tests or interviews required as part of program admission procedure.

Need support applying? Contact us through this form!


The Police College of Qatar


MIE-SPPU Institute of Higher Education, in collaboration with SPPU of India